Our mission

The Coalition of LGBTQ+ Youth Groups is a forum for consultation between organizations that offer services to young lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans, queer and questioning young people. Its mission is to make the population aware of the challenges facing these young people, to create environments favourable to their development and to defend their rights.

The Coalition's work is divided into three main parts:

  • Awareness and advocacy

  • Youth Led consultation

  • Policy partnership and membership support

Our objectives

Awareness and defence of the rights of LGBTQ+ youth

Consultation and liaison

Member Services

Our values

  • Equip and train youth workers about sexual orientation, gender expression, and identity, as well as LGBTQ phobias;

  • Raise public awareness of issues affecting LGBTQ+ youth;

  • Make LGBTQ+ organizations aware of the specific realities of young people;

  • Share and disseminate the expertise of member groups to contribute to the advancement of knowledge;

  • Defend the rights of LGBTQ + youth.

  • Pool the strengths and expertise specific to each member organization for a better cohesion of youth actions against LGBTQ phobias;

  • Act to promote issues relating to the needs of member groups.

  • Support and accompany member groups in achieving their mission;

  • Promote the creation and maintenance of specific and safe(r) spaces for youth groups.

  • Diversity

  • Respect

  • Accessibility

  • Collaboration

  • Transparency